The coolest tile designs that architects are implementing in their projects

 Architects are always looking for new ways to innovate and improve their designs, and one of the most common ways is by incorporating designer tiles into their projects. Check out some of the coolest tile designs in this article that architects are using right now!  

Here is a list of some of the most extraordinary tile designs that architects are using in their projects:  

  1. Herringbone tile design   

Herringbone tile designs continue to be popular among architects. This designer tile can add a sense of sophistication and luxury to any space. It is a classic tile design that has been used for centuries. This tile is perfect for floors, creating a subtle but sophisticated texture.  

  1.  Chevron tile design  

It is another popular tile design that is often used in projects. It's a more modern tile design that can add a unique touch to your project.  

Chevrons are typically used in flooring and wall tiles. However, their versatility has made them popular in other applications as well. The tile is divided into small triangles, each with a different color. This design gives the appearance of depth and complexity, which is why it's so popular with architects.  

  1. Basket weave tile design  

Basket weave tile design is created by weaving two pieces of tile together.  This type of tile design is not just beautiful to look at, but it also offers a lot of durability and functionality. You should consider it if you are looking for something unique and eye-catching in your next project.  

  1. Hexagon tile design  

Hexagon tiles have a unique design that distinguishes them from other tiles. They can be used in any space, and they can be used in any design. There are many ways to use hexagon tiles, and they can be used in any room in your home. Architects are using them in kitchens, bathrooms, and even bedrooms. They can be used in any style of architecture, and they can be used in any room. If you're looking for a unique tile design that will add personality to your home, hexagon tiles are a perfect choice.  

  1. Penny tile design  

Penny tile design is a tile design that is created by using small, round tiles. Architects are incorporating penny tiles into their projects to add an extra pop of color. These tiles come in various colors and can be installed in any location that needs a splash of brightness. They are also easy to clean, which is excellent for busy spaces.  


It's no secret that architects love using tile in their projects. If you're curious about some of the coolest tile designs being implemented by architects today, be sure to check out our list.   

 So, if you're looking for a way to add interest and style to your project, these designer tiles are a great option. You can find them at the nearby Somany Ceramics shop or online! It's Indias leading designer tiles manufacturer with a wide variety of designer tiles suitable for every taste. 


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