Urinal Buying Guide-Types of Urinals to consider

 It's not unusual for homes and establishments to have toilets. It is a basic and a necessity for obvious reasons. However, standard toilets may start arguments about whether a toilet seat should be left up or down. Nowadays, people are beginning to consider urinals as an alternative, if not an addition, to standard toilets. Not only is this an ongoing trend in business establishments, but also households as well.  

Although admittedly, standard toilets will still be the bathroom fixture of choice, urinals can be a good alternative for those who feel that they need to save on water consumption or lessen the time spent on household maintenance.  

Read through this blog to understand a type of urinals, especially if you are seriously entertaining the thought of purchasing one yourself.  

  1. Flush Urinal  

The most common choice is the traditional flush urinal. You do your business, and once you do, you push it down. When flushing, water is released and helps to remove all "liquid waste" from the bowl and drain.  

Since this is the most common type available, you have a wide variety of options. It includes design, style, finish, and features.  

  1. Sensor Urinal  

 This is the sort of urinal you typically see in shopping centres and airports for a good reason. Since people are in a rush in certain situations, it makes much sense to put up anything that saves customers' time. Sensor urinal are distinguished by the presence of blinking or flashing sensors that detect human activity. The urinal flushes after the sensor determine that the urinal is not occupied.  

  1. Waterless Urinal  

Also known as a urinal without water, a waterless urinal is mostly a male urinal intended to aid a water-saving facility. Such urinals are designed mainly for saving water. The urine flows through an oil screen which locks the urinal odor. For waterless urinals, a cartridge is used.  

Like flushing or traditional toilets, they are attached to your sewer system, so there will be no extra work.  

They are becoming very popular, especially for large venues and stadiums, as they have the potential to dramatically reduce the amount of water used. It saves a ton of money, but it is also great for the environment. Win-win for all.  

If you plan to buy any urinal for your home, from a basic one to a technologically advanced one with a first-class design and pattern, you will find it at Somany Bathware. They are known for having the best sanitation and bath essentials for the home with a luxurious touch. To add on, you might think sensor urinal price to be expensive as they are fancy, but in Somany Batware, you will  find that too at a cost-friendly deal if you want it for your home. 


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