Checklist for choosing tiles for your home

Renovating your space is no less than a therapy session. However, that might lead to reverse effects due to the many options available, leaving you in ambiguity. As easy as revamping your house sounds, it is far more challenging to pull it through precisely the way you visualized it. In that scenario, either you do endless research on the internet leading to no conclusion or hire an interior designer, which will surely burn down a hole in your pocket.   

There are far more efficient and cost-friendly options, for instance, giving this blog a shot as we decode the top 4 pointers to check off while planning to revamp your space.   

  1. Budgeting   

All those fancy tiles and interiors left you awestruck? Well, you haven’t checked the price tag yet. The foremost step is to set a budget for how much you are willing to invest in renovation. Once you have the digits in front of you, picking tiles would be a lot easier. Moreover, if you plan to go a little overboard because of that classy vitrified shiny tile, you should not resist as Somany which is the best tile company in India and has a massive range of economic tiles to choose from!  

  1. Size and requirement   

The next crucial point that needs to be checked off is the size and requirement. If you have made up your mind to change the flooring of every corner, then it is a no-brainer. Changing the tiles of a specific space will require size and the number of tiles needed. Once you are familiar with the size and other requirements, you are all set to pick the tiles.   

  1. Picking the right material   

Picking the right material might require extensive research because a newbie won’t know the sorts of material available. So, if you lack the research part, how would one pick the suitable material? Somany’s salesperson will not only assist you with choosing the right material but would also suggest a better option.   

  1. Choosing the tile and grouting   

This might sound technical, but the easiest way to choose the tiles and ideal grouting is to visualize it in your head and go with your instincts. However, if you are still struggling with visualizing, try Somany’s 3D Tile visualizer to test the tiles at different spaces leading to effortless decision making.   

To conclude, now that you have the top 4 pointers to begin the renovation process, the other step will be a cakewalk for the house of your dreams. 


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