What are the advantages of using an automatic soap dispenser?
For the past two to three years, Covid 19 situation has been getting worse and worse globally. To keep ourselves safe, we need to keep ourselves hygienic. Bathroom sanitation is a rising concern for many. Proper handwashing has been cited as an essential practice to prevent COVID-19 spread. So, most of us are considering the adoption of sensor-based and contactless amenities in public and private spaces. Automated technology prevents the reach of this virus and keeps the bathroom neat and clean. Some of the advantages of using an automatic soap dispenser : An automatic soap dispenser is a device fitted in bathrooms that do not require any form of contact to dispense soap. Instead, they use motion sensors that detect the motion of the hands, or in some cases, infrared energy to dispense the solution. Sanitation/Hygiene: An automatic soap dispenser is a touchless device. It is used in many public and shared spaces with automatic li...